2014年5月13日 星期二

Kabaya Panda Chocolate Making Kit 巧克力熊貓餅乾DIY套裝 さくさくパンダ

。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。 大家好呀
今天呢 會為大家介紹一個巧克力餅乾DIY套裝
在日本呢 這類型的DIY套裝都被叫做Making Kit
大部分的用具已經齊備了 很方便也很好玩

。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。  Hello Everyone
Today, I would to share a DIY set which is from Kabaya 
It's a set for you to make cutie panda chocolate 
In Japan, all these making set/ DIY set were called "making kit"
It's really convenient  than it contents almost all the tools you need

有不少漢字 而且有圖示 所以很容易就明白ヽ(・×・´)ゞ
The process is at the back
As you can see, there are some Chinese words and pictures 
so I can easy understand the making procedure ヽ(・×・´)ゞ

現在就來看一下裡面到底有甚麼吧 ✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。
Okay, let's see what's inside.✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。

● 1個巧克力模具
● 2個白色小盤
● 1包草莓味的調味料
● 1小包白巧克力
● 1小包黑巧克力
● 1小包餅乾

It contents: 
● 1 chocolate mold, 
● 1 Plastic bag, 
● 2 white containers, 
● 1 strawberry flavor seasoning
● 1 small bag of white chocolate,
● 1 small bag of black chocolate 
● 1 small bag of biscuit 

可以按指示放到微波爐掉 也可以放到熱水去融掉

They already got the cute panda faces on the chocolates (*ˇωˇ*人)
You can put the chocolates to the microwave or you can just put them above hot water to melt them 

٩(。・ω・。)و 先試做了白巧克力跟草莓味巧克力的造型
哈哈 看起來真不錯 蠻可愛的~

٩(。・ω・。)و I tried the white chocolate and strawberry flavor chocolate first
They look pretty cool and kawaii ~

Then I use black chocolate and remands chocolate continue making pandas 

✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。  這就是最後的成品了 那些熊貓真的超可愛的 
 ✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。   Woooo~ They are sooo lovely and looks delicious ~


哈哈 手都軟了 歡迎留下任何意見呀✿゚

I hope you guys enjoy today's sharing
Please leave a common if you have anything want to share or any question.
Thanks for coming.✿゚

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