2013年10月14日 星期一

Shibayama Dorayaki 柴山 どら焼 銅鑼燒 紅豆餅 三個裝

今天想要介紹的是這個柴山銅鑼燒 (@゜▽ ゜)ノ

This time, I would like to introduce Shibayama Dorayaki (@゜▽ ゜)ノ
Dorayaki is a type of Japanese confection 
You can understand as а red bean pancake which consists of two small pancake-like patties 
made from castella wrapped around a filling of sweet Azuki red bean paste.

(o゚ω゚o) 烤餅皮有著濃濃的蜂蜜味道
裡面的豆沙餡很綿 很香的紅豆味 甜甜的

(o゚ω゚o) The pancake-like patties tastes a bit sweet with honey flavor
And the tastes of filling is very rich of Azuki red bean
The Dorayaki's tastes very good 

